Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Snuggled warm learning Dutch

 Snuggled up warm with the cats reading the lovely Belgium magazine I picked up on the trip recently..... Interesting article on Yoga - more I look and read more I can get the gist if not full meaning of Dutch... but need to speak it and listen to it more.... Hope I can get back out to Belgium to see Boshra and the girls soon as enjoy being with them and in the lovely town they live in now.
"Ik startte zelf in een turbulente periode in mijn leven met yoga, en het helpt me nog steeds om het hoofd te bieden aan de chaos die soms eigen is aan een druk, zelfstandig bestaan."
I started with yoga in a turbulent period in my life, and it still helps me to cope with the chaos that is sometimes inherent in a busy, independent existence.