Saturday 29 June 2024

Muscle Matters at Brunel

A very important day of learning and sharing at Brunel University yesterday. My 81yr old  friend & neighbour went along with me as we are both members of B.O.R.G. We are always impressed with staff, researchers and students care for the ageing process. It gives such hope for improving our vulnerable years. We learnt about loss of muscle mass termed as Sarcopenia..  It was lovely as we got off the bus at uni one of Brunel researchers was arriving too on the bus. She asked us if we were going to the Sarcopenia day. We said yes and glad she had now helped us pronounce it too by saying it .. hhhh .. was lovely bonding and we discussed a lot on the way to the venue on campus. 

I have shared some photos from the booklet we were given and when I get the link to the pdf will add this. 
Research Drs Donny & Stephen from Australia helped us understand muscle physiology, why muscle losses mass in ageing, how that loss of muscle mass can contribute to further vulnerability problems. With exercise and nutrition we can improve our muscles. 
I wondered if there was a significant global difference in the incidence of Sarcopenia between countries such as Australia that are more outdoor sports & activities. 
I also as I write this blog wonder if a difference in countries Pension provision in the we in the UK have a low State Pension to other European countries for example..this affects cost of living expenditure on food and gym .. however our London Borough of Hillingdon does offer free access to swim and gym that are council managed. There are walking clubs too! 
I wondered if long covid had significantly affected muscle mass at cellular level. 
There was a strong nutritional emphasis on the need for a high protein breakfast to start the day activities. Then that made me wonder at the present child poverty in the UK where children not having breakfast before school.. does this have a long term effect on muscle mass? 

Important to note muscle cells have more mitochondria, the powerhouses of cells that maximise the production of energy from one molecule of glucose with oxygen. 
So more muscle mass means more energy. In the nutritional needs are iron for red blood cells to carry oxygen to all cells. Vit C for absorption of iron through gut. 
You can see our body has complex needs to keep maximum function.
Scroll down to see some of the learning & references. 


Some useful google searches I have just done: