Thursday 17 October 2024

Brazil in Brunel University

🥁🎶So what have you been doing today Marjorie.? ....well I have been drumming with Brazilian delegates at Brunel University one does 😊😂you cannot attend a presentation on Global Climate and University link up between Brazil and Brunel without connecting our energies through the beat of drums, tambourines and cowbells ..The Rio de Janeiro effect .. . I love it what a way to start meetings &  United Nations meetings too... we are all connected and United in we share one planet home ..Earth ... our Earth needs our unity to prevent more climate damage, find ways to adapt infrastructures to cope with extreme weathers... We need to fast track youth into universities that show  amazing insight to problem solve climate issues, have an affinity for sciences, engineering and ecosystems.. they need our universities to pilot ideas, research & refine ideas with the mentorship of our academics and I would say experts from indigenous wisdom to construction to farming to health care - all to develop workable models for healing our planet home. Importantly for our planet to be able to maintain its life support. But there is a very big but... we need warmongers to stop their tantrum sledgehammering behaviour..we cannot afford this  every missile launch is an attack on us all as this malbehaviour affects our planet home we all share.  It all contributes to more flooding more wildfires, earthquakes... And as one of our students reminded us... our air travel is already impacted with increased turbulence from a warming planet! The health impact is already being seen by doctors in areas of extreme weather damage. Of course climate migration is a consequence of extreme weathers destroying farmland and infrastructures..  so today was very important...there was a point put forward that much published work can go unrecognised if in another language ..such as Portuguese, the language of Brazil but i pointed out how among our refugee children we have little Professors of they use all languages exposed to and so developing as polyglots. We are cultivating a generation of polyglots. AS i write this I need to put forward we have refugees that are able to translate academic publications can work remotely such as  Jusoor   and  Talent Beyond Boundaries of course we have AI and translation packages.. However from my experience of translating Arabic to English I have learnt you cannot simply do a direct translation need to adapt to English .. once you have grasped the subject and concept of what is being shared.. However when I read German, Nederlandse & French clinical  publications I can grasp the gist even if not fully fluent in the language ... of course my clinical background helps ..but the translation needs to be exacting to be safe. I love going on campus and always stimulating, love listening to the lectures and our amazing students ... great to share together ... We are lucky to  have Brunel University in our London Borough of Hillingdon.