Friday 29 October 2021

Homes around the nation HQs for COP26 action

Today joined the Hillingdon Friends of Earth to see and photo the wonderful display on Fossil fuel and effects on the climate and our planet.  Rather baffling it was not permitted in the Uxbridge library on the grounds was too political....interesting as I thought libraries were places to get facts & information on issues from all angles. There is a political section for reading. Anyway where there is a will there is a way.. So photos taken to Twitter storm.  I took my roving placard on the Health Impact of Climate Change as it was fitting to look at the effects of no action on our present trajectory. 

It made me think of up and down the nation homes are being turned into Climate action HQs to prepare for COP26 and the marches in towns & cities. As I rove around I am reassured at how folk on buses, at bus stops and in the street are talking about the Climate Conference. Here are the photos to stimulate more discussion and action. Time is running out to correct our behaviour and respect our one planet home we all share.  We have to act NOW to heal the planet from our stupidity..