Saturday 30 October 2021

Placard visit to Heathrow Health & Climate

🌍✈Heathrow ... Hhhhh turning into a Granny Greta ....campaigning but on me own quietly roving with me placard ... stimulating thought and conversations.. met with lovely Brazilian lady waiting for her sister arriving to UK ..she helped with photos and we talked about deforestation.. 
I love travel I love flying even got some hours towards a PPL in a Cessna not anti flying ... 
but we need greener airports, greener travel to & from airports.... 
we need to offset air pollution with strategic ecosystems planning. 
Passengers I was watching need to travel lighter many had trolleys of bulging cases ..5 or more ... the more cargo hold weight the more fuel needed for take off propulsion.... 
We need footfall kinetic energy as passengers move around ..such as Pavegen special pavement pads that turn footfall energy into electricity. Hhhhhh but not electrocution hhh Pavegen
The trolleys I was watching surely some kinetic energy couod be harnessed..
BUT was good to see that Heathrow has a strategy plan