Sunday 31 October 2021

Windsor today Campaign


💞🌍well that was an amazing campaigning day to highlight the health impact of climate change.... Windsor castle to give our Queen a helping hand seeing she cannot travel to Glasgow.. met lovely people ..from tourists from Blackburn, Bellringers from Devon, Indian Sai Baba devotees, Ukraine sales manager from Canada, castle staff, police and the spiritual team at St George's chapel in the castle grounds. The staff made me aware that Evensong prayers are open to the public... It was a beautiful service the choir sang like angels... It felt special given the Queen in residence..half expecting her pop in the chapel but instead the Castle cat came in ...sat as good as gold on a prayer kneeler all through the service... so cute.... it made a sort homely service as impressed me... 
My freedom travel pass takes me to Slough on TFL trsin then only had to pay £3.10 return ticket on the shuttle train to Windsor that gets right near the castle... castles part of my life as was born in Skipton we had a castle where I worked as office junior in an architects office in the gatehouse. 

The message is clear in all scriptures of all religion teachings to have selfless love for one another and to care for all creation value & respect our planet home.