Thursday 7 October 2021

Zoom Australia Climate & Mental Health


Yesterday morning UK time I had the privilege to join this zoom meeting in Australia with a discussion sharing on the impact of climate on mental health.  The key point for me was as communities lurch from one crisis after another with shorter recovery time inbetween, then the accumulative mental stress intensifies. 

Drought, Wildfires, Flooding ... loss of livelihood, destoyed land to farm, increase poverty and feeling of being trapped unable to move to safer territory.  Trying to be proactive then zapped again with another climate crisis. One of the panelist, Prof Alan Rosen made an important point that to experience mental burnout is natural given the constant challenges not a syndrome. So support needed not treatment. Communities can be shattered by social isolation. 

You can watch the recording Climate Change and Mental Health

From my zoom meetings around the world I see a link in the psychological impact of indigenous tribes. American Indians and Australian Aborigines have a deep spiritual connection with the land and nature. There is I see an impact of spiritual pain as disharmony is occuring from the climate change impact. There is an irony in that we all need the wisdom of these people to help us work with nature not battle with nature or destroy our planet by our "modern" living. Our urban environments can detach us from the need to respect the wonderful power of nature. Our global education on climate crisis needs this reawakening of connecting to nature and natures power of renewal and ecosystem harmonisation.