Thursday 18 November 2021

Gratitude to Eleanor Rathbone

๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’šwhat an amazing Zoom evening to commemorate an amazing lady Eleanor Rathbone, Suffragette and MP who fought for women to have the right to financial help with Family Allowance paid to her, to cash,  to help with bringing up her family..1946 first introduced the sum of 5 shilling a week in today's money 25p.... but a helping hand then given a man's wage was around £6 a week not hour a week! Some would drink away most of that from their pay packet failing to pass the pub on way home... ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿป But has in this evening discussion it was highlighted women in more well to do marriages would have money controlled by her husband this family allowance gave some independence & dignity..
The poverty in history is shockingly present now in the UK with food & fuel poverty.. even to the shame that the UN reporteur for poverty Philip Alston came to assess our poverty cause and needs...conclusion a direct link to the Cameron austerity policies... the present government like to hide this report under the carpet and even challenge its validity..... but since the report poverty has intensified with pandemic, furlough... So the problem cannot be hidden .... I put forward in the chat how it actually is bad housekeeping by government for there to be poverty in society as the spin off problems cost more to health service & in social issues to help. A good leader ensures all citizens have living financial dignity.... we do not all want diamond tiaras & limousines but simply life dignity with food in our bellies, roof over our heads, clothing, bills paid without need to use credit cards,...if indeed we have credit status to get credit. We also highlighted women survivors from DV left penniless by perpetrators...need help... dangerous not to help.  I have refered the attendees to my blog  Women's Voices to be heard    to see my experience & campaign for all women ... in fact in my attendance to APPG poverty meeting in portculus house parliament I remember seeing Eleanor Rathbone's portrait... We have a lot to thank Eleanor for not only getting women's votes but an MP with a strong voice for women, wives, mothers ..there is in the Hansard archive not only the transcript of her debates to the bill but a voice recording.... This evening some of the attendees on zoom acted out the debate.... felt the amazing caring power of this strong lady ..Thank you Eleanor was sweet that mothers in Liverpool used to call their family allowance "Ellie's money" ๐Ÿ˜Š 
Here are some links for you 

๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’š  Eleanor Rathbone Trust

๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’š Crossroads Women

I wore my suffragette sash for tonight zoom.. now a 1950's born women fighting for 6 years robbed State Pension... another women's campaign.. but thanks to Eleanor we have vote power and can get our voices heard in parliament.. The additional challenge is getting government to hear and act..