Saturday 6 November 2021

Uxbridge Climate March today 6th Nov


Today I joined the Climate March in Uxbridge, as residents in the Borough of Hillingdon we have the Prime Minister as a serving MP for Uxbridge & South Ruislip. So good to get our collective voices to express our concerns on Climate Change by rising issues that contribute to climate extremes. Our voices looked at local issues, national issues, global issues to also my campaign looking at the Health Impact. Families & supporters of  Hillingdon Friends of Earth had put together banners & placards. The children expressing concerns through artwork.
Before meeting up I toured the High Street with my Impact on Health placard and met with interesting people. Firstly a visit to the Civic Centre for photo and here is a link to Climate Action Hillingdon Council  to look at what plans are in place.
I called in to see one of our Dynamic pharmacist Punil at Flora Fountain pharmacy. He was interested to hear that nationwide Doctors & Health professionals were developing plans for a Greener Healthcare Medact for a Green New Deal  We discussed air pollution & asthma and I pointed out that inhalers can contribute to climate issues, that was irony. But Punil made me aware that there are now Greener inhalers that are available.  See the link NICE Greener Inhalers to inform on the National Institute of Clinical Excellence recommendations of Asthma inhalers that are environmentally friendly. 
I spoke with one of our Opticians and he made me aware of some of his family that live in Nebraska USA  are coping with extreme temperatures. Nebraska See how we are a Global family with connections around the World.. So each local town &  city links with others around the world to make us pick up on awareness of how climate is changing all around the planet. 
I called in Uxbridge library to discuss how to make our residents aware of the Health Impact of Climate and how to cope. I am told the staff are keen but I will need to discuss a date with the head librarian. This is an ongoing problem so after COP26 the dialogues & the idea sharing has to carry on.
Love this statue of mother, children & dog!
It seemed fitting to photograph the Impact on Health of Climate change that affects  families & animals too. Increase in vector disease from insects in high temperatures affects humans & our pets. Our pets have a right to a healthy earth too.

So now more on the shared march ...which took us to the local office of the serving MP & PM Mr Johnson. The Hillingdon Friends of the Earth delivered a letter. There was someone in but did not let us in or come out to listen & talk.. instead a sound of panicstriken locking of the door..! I feel saddened by this has it is so important the party  members listen and hear concerns to be able to be a voice to the MP/PM. Like our Queen highlighted politicians  need to address issues so leaders become Statesman for the future.   The local police were wonderful taking an interest, escorting us to keep us safe. But no need to worry we only had one person shout stupid to us. But we had others saying Thank you for all we doing. Others taking an interest in the highlighted problems of climate crises and need for us all to change our behaviour and our economics. At This point do look up Kate Raworth Doughnut Model of Economics to ensure all have living dignity through circular economy to prevent poverty and protect the planet. Loved one 90 yr old lady chatting to me on how in her day folk bought locally no plastics fruit & vege in paper bags. No big supermarkets.