Wednesday 17 November 2021

Love in action for Richard #FreeNazanin


People power in action driven by love, care & concern for Richard in desperate pain to get the love of his life, his wife Nazinin back from captivity in Iran. The nationwide lobby of MPs brought constituency concerns from all 4 nations of the UK.. I have never seen Westminster Hall so full of MPs.. from all parties.. Tulip Siddiq, Richard's MP secured Westminster Hall for the debate to #FreeNazanin.. this intensified public lobbying action to demand and expect their MP to attend.. MPs that attended were also driven by the love that Richard has for the love of his life, his wife.. the room full of empathy.. but most of how to get effective action to free Nazanin see The Hansard Debate link and can be viewed on Parliamentary TV channel  It was poweful that Richard was in attendance. All thanks to the parliamentary staff for facilitating this and helping Tulip.

I was outside working my placard.. from all my campaigns it is amazing the support and conversations you can provoke from members of the public passing by. I was early arriving at parliament before the scheduled 14: 30hrs debate.  I checked in with the staff at the public entrance to make them aware I was outside with my placard. I am always impressed with the kindness and care our parliament staff. I miss being able to go into parliament to APPG meetings due to covid restrictions. But look what happened by arriving early ...there were other campaigns on the go ..with MPs out and about.. including my MP John McDonnell... Then Jeremy came to join us .
Then as I wandered  down to a media hang out area.... look ....look who I met. One of my favourite kindly stars  and campaigner ☆ Joanna Lumley ☆..she was presenting another campaign.. .... Joanna is a star a shining star.. I watched how she connects with people listens, cares, understands and is full of empathy, knowledge & wisdom.  When she saw my placard about Richard she gave so much love support for him. It actually was amusing watching the MPs particularly male MPs desperate to get a photo with our nations Absolutely Fabulous Bond girl star... then seeing my placard and Joanna's concern ..saying oh must dash got to attended urgent debate on this case. Hhhhh so then I had some time with Joanna to myself.. kindred spirits, travelled, care about issues in the world and campaigners together. Thank you to the Greater Power of All timing our meeting.. Kismet 💖 
Look at the power of connecting with people & listening with heart.. 

Another example of connecting to people caught on camera with Jeremy listening and engaging with a group campaigning for Refugee Action
More photos from yesterday and scroll through to see what happened outside Downing street..
Well done to the SNP in the debate raising what I too am concerned about with the way that our government not handling negotiations to #FreeNazanin. 
What does our British Citizenship mean? 
What are these words on our passport? 
When our own government seems politically impotent to assist & protect us. 
This is scary for all of us that travel the world, work in other countries, NGOs volunteers in hot spots.. British doctors & nurses giving their expertise to communities in need of help in war torn & disaster areas.
The other point was when Nazinin was taken she was, as we all were a European British citizen. We had the double support of the UK parliament & EU parliament. That gave extra confidence when travelling if problems faced. Richard did pick up on this point I made to him before we brexited and met with Ursula von der Leyen. She would be a good negiotator. I am impressed with Ursula a mother of seven taken in a Syrian refugee too. Such a high profile political career.
Yesterday after my placard showing at Downing Street..but no sighting of the present PM.. i crossed over the road... A kindly man Julian saw the placard and held out his arms with care & concern on his face saying " Please please tell me what is happening how is Richard's a heartbreaking situation.... "  I told him that MPs debating in Westminster Hall ....we had such a heart to heart talk. A genteel man,  full of care for the world, worried about the world in man made turmoil. A follower of Judaism.. I told him of my friend up North in Otley,  Marshall .. I kindly Jewish pharmacist turned herbalist healer.  I met Marshall when studying complementary holistic medicine in my nursing degree. I told Julian how I had through Marshall found out about Sathya Sai Baba a Spiritual teacher in India that brought all religions together in his teachings and Ashram. He would say each and everyone of you in your religion is saying peace love care for one another why are you all fighting? Julian loved this as he feels so important to come together as a global family. We discussed how we need this maturity and how the Earth needs this too.  We cannot keep going on creating pain in the world with the trapping of deluded ego. I hope I am blessed with more meet up with Julian would be spiritually powerful if all relgions came together for a prayer vigil for peace, shalom salems Om shanti.. as a Global family... it is time to mature up and be truly worthy of the title Homo Sapiens..and stop being Homo Stupidus.... for the sake of our survival on this wonderful one planet home we share... Earth ..

Gratitude for yesterday Love in Action!