Monday 8 November 2021

NHS Retirement Fellowship


💞🌹🌺 had a lovely time this afternoon with the local NHS Retirement Fellowship group in Uxbridge. Good to tell we were a mix NHS staff now retired as immediately geled with lots of chatter like when working.  NHSRF

🌺There was a guest speaker a retiree from the English Heritage talking about the great Harmondsworth barn ..near Heathrow existence way before the Airport..!!! Stretching back into medieval times.... so interesting and a reminder that Greater London is a coalescence of villages & hamlets....once surrounded by fertile land to produce an abundance of crops Wheat, Barley & Oats...hence the need for barns for threshing & storage. There were fruit orchards that led to jam making too. I hope all got well fed. Some grains taken into Covent Garden market to sell, bringing in revenue for the Harmondsworth Manor.. The architecture is fascinating so well thought out a design that the orginal beams still exist.. Seems fitting in this 2nd week of COP26 and achieving a greener world, especially has we locals faced the issues of proposed extension to Heathrow Airport ..the area not only with homes that will be lost but historical hertiage too. Difficult to balance progression with recession of other enriching facets of life and cultural origins. English Heritage Harmondsworth Great Barn

🌺 The meeting place today carries its own history with a benefactor of Kate Fassnidge ... bless her, her mother so against her lover that they could not msrry until her mother died then too old to bear her charity set up... in the history you will see our previous local MP for Uxbridge Sir John Randall very much part of the community.  Fassnidge Charity