Monday 1 November 2021

Lithium for Batteries & Climate


Excellent article on lithium extraction in Cornwall. But worrying logistics on battery manufacturing. There are plans for factories in Sunderland to avoid transport to units in other countries. It also highlights what I too have been thinking can green mean green when manufacturing of ecofriendly products may at this present time create a carbon footprint in itself.  There are in the article mentioning of grants and funding to help create ecofriendly products such as Electric cars. I feel we need transparency of funding with audits and measres of outcome for the public to access. This to not only make decisions on purchase but may feel that some projects are so environmentally friendly they may wish to invest in the further development. 
There is reference to House of Lords debate on Lithium & batteries in relation to net zero goal so I have put a link in.. Here are some excerpts from the article and well worth putchasing this journal.