Sunday, 29 March 2020

Helping labouring mothers cope

I am aware that in this time of pandemic from the mean critter of the corona virus that health care systems are struggling to cope with demands.

Maternity units are busy places at the best of times but in this pandemic there could be staff shortages and anaesthetists needed for ventilated patients so routine epidurals for normal progressing labour may not be possible. I know some women will have the use of epidural written in their birthplans but it may not be possible.  The maternity units and obstetric anaesthetist may have to rationalised provision for high risk cases, problematic deliveries and necessary surgical birthing.  I am retired now as nurse and midwife but cannot return to the front-line of care as my medical history could mean I fall to this virus and add to the workload!  But I am keen to help mothers to cope with their labour and delivery, being also mindful that birthing partners may not be permitted into the birthing room! This may mean periods of time alone, though I am sure that midwives, their assistants and students will try to keep you company not only out of a clinical need but emotional too.   So have prepared some short films to help.  I have to make the films short to upload but in way it will help to focus on the points in each film.  I want you to remember that your body is designed for birth as the wisdom of all the birth goddesses before you that has got us to this point of time.  We Women are Amazing! it is the most wonderful role to carry, birth and nurture new life... 
The worst enemy in the camp is fear.  Fear makes you imagine things worse than what they are?  It creates illusion and with that illusion comes an exaggeration of the experience.  It can in fact augment the discomfort by creating tension in all your muscles.  So the whole of you becomes tense, stressed and full of discomfort. So together lets find ways of coping and reducing fear. 
 Your body knows exactly what to do so allow it do it..!

The Tension creates Resistance. 
Resistance creates more discomfort, which creates more fear in you. 
A surge of contraction power is like a wave gradually building up then melting and disappearing.  So is  
A passing moment and a melting moment.
If a contraction lasts less than a minute then the peak of the wave of contraction where you are experiencing your maximum discomfort is only lasting secs…

So each contraction gives you only seconds of maximum discomfort to cope with.

Considering you need say 4 in every 10 minutes for active labour then you have only have 6 x 4 = 24 peaks in every hour. So does this now seem more manageable.. and remember in between each is an oasis of little or no discomfort oasis of relaxation. A resting phase..
So it is a good move to switch your focus to each resting phase. Distract your mind during a surge of power with visualisation and breathing out the discomfort and look towards the resting phase... Remember each surge of power is one less and one nearer to having that beautiful baby in your arms..its a journey into your motherhood and life with your son or daughter.. Keep your mind focusing on this not lost in the now or those secs of intense discomfort - which are going to pass...  Be like a surfer riding the wave of power and let your body work its magic... 
you hear folk saying take a deep breath in .. but really this can add to the tension as you are breathing in and adding to an already full lung capacity.  it is best to focus on breathing out.. with long slow outward breaths let go of all the fear, the anxiety, the discomfort... all the negativity.... as you do this notice that there is a natural flow of inward breath without any effort... as by physics air rushes in to equalise the pressure.. by concentrating on outward breath you are preserving your energy and not becoming as fatigued... You do not have use energy to breath forcefully in.... if you do feel a panic coming on then regain control with puff puff bloooooow breathing.....the puff puff is shorter sharper breathes out followed by a longer calm relaxed blow out... and keep focus on letting go and taking your mind to somewhere where you feel safe at peace and relaxed... That is personal to may be by the sea a mountain a favourite holiday or as simple as the feel of your pet dog or cat on your knee or curled up at the side of you on the sofa in a memory re-wakening of the peace the pleasure of this.
The following videos are some techniques to help you cope even if you are alone. But I hope that you will not be alone for long that midwives can help as much as they can and their assistants.  I will be with you all in my mind, heart and spirit... I will be adding some additional films for first time labouring mothers on the investment of time your body puts in to thinning and preparing the neck of the womb..the cervix...and position of the opening of cervix as labour progresses.. Always remember that your labour is a journey to birth... 

Now I have the films on first time mothers and the way the body prepares the neck of the womb for birth through a process of effacement.. thinning and moving the opening from posterior, behind babies head to front... So that the surges of power sort of have the baby as a gentle battering ram on the opening door of the womb the cervix.. The cervix holds this in its memory for brothers and sisters to come so second and third time mums this stage is skipped to go into what can be quite rapid dilating of the cx... Do not measure your progress totally by the cervix there are other factors that are demonstrating progress the position of the passenger the baby on board, it station it is in lowering deeper into the basin of the pelvis.. the amount of surge power you are getting...all add up to progress.. Also you do not have to have waters breaking... some of my most lovely deliveries have been EN CAUL where the baby has been born in the complete sac, like a chick in an see through egg... it is a comfortable birth for both mother and baby .. as the bulging sac of fluid can help stretch and dilate the cervix and when the baby is ready to birth can help to stretch the perineum gently without tearing. It is when you think mother natures bubble wrap.. cushioning and protecting the birthing baby.. The baby takes its first breath in this case when we break open the amniotic sac and the lungs can fill with air in that first rush of air to inflate the lungs.. MAGICAL girls such and honour to be Women birthing babies. 

That is all I can load today for you dear wonderful birthing goddesses but I hope it helps  for me to share .. 
you can see I have lots more I could share too.. 
if you need to ask me anything 
you can find me on twitter Marjorie's Yard and private message me..

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Blossom Illuminate

Just fitted in a short lockdown permitted walk round corner as been watching this blossom tree...during the day the bees work hard around the flowers..Then in the night time a local street light illuminates beautiful mooi jamil.

Queen Lulu

Cute look through the blinds.

Friday, 20 March 2020

Three xs Table fun for kids

Been working on these slides most of day and trying to up load powerpoint video of them with a fun voice over and the animations.. these are to help not only my Family Link Up project while Leen & Celine are at home but for all mothers with children at home.