Tuesday 29 August 2017

Look round my garden

Just been enjoying my garden and doing some tidying round..

Online Study to raise my voice

I enjoy learning on the coursera.org site and was well eager to join this course... so have enrolled and following the introduction now ... so a bank holiday of study and enlightenment... 
So studying with Prof Anne Firth Murray at Stanford University from my Laptop at home. You can too just enrol and be part of the Global class of students to share and learn together.  Prof Anne Firth Murray is Co-Creator, International Women's Health and Human Rights MOOC, Consulting Professor, Stanford University & Founding President, Global Fund for Women
Interact with a global community.

Connect with current students and alumni of the International Women's Health & Human Rights online course through our Interact with IWHHR portal. Join discussions, take part in video teleconferences, watch issue broadcasts, and more!

Always my way to learn more and strengthen my voice for Women's Voices to be heard..
Help me to help women's voices be loud and clear with my petition and my appeal to help women Many thanks Marjorie 
Sign and share to go viral as the problem already is viral... !
Support the Petition to get a Strong & Stable pathway of support for women
Help to me to promote the cause nationwide and fund workshops 

Thursday 24 August 2017

Find Joy.....

“Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home... it’s your responsibility to love it, or change it.”

~ Chuck Palahniuk

Art by Lara Meintjes

Wednesday 23 August 2017

King's Place a great place

Great morning Invited to pitch my Heal & Empower Women weekend to some interested people at a business meeting...thank goodness my memory key and powerpoint opened ... 
but Lady Marjorie is a good chatty ad lib anyway...handy being a northern power house hhhhhh My first time ever of being in Kings Place a new somewhat NY looking building ....with arts music and venue hire ... 

the added feature being near the Grand Union Canal is the Long boat marina with cafe and restaurant.....

Next to Kings X station and St Pancreas so handy for attendees from around the UK and of course Europe with the Eurostar..... loool sound like I am pitching for the building now but was fascinated by it... and you can hire work desks if you are zippy zappy on the hoof business executive...... So much opportunity for us all to grab if we can just grasp it and power up...... love the canal boat called "Narrow Escape"... good one ...

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Lake District gifts

While I was sat in the garden with a cuppa the door bell rang with a parcel delivery ... just love it when my youngest daughter goes to the Lakes District on holiday I get this mega yummy gingerbread and ginger tea but the Cumbrian Ginger honey is so so good for the colder days to come.  It is good as the sweetener in tea, coffee or hot milk... the flavour of the ginger comes through well.... and so warming...Time to put the kettle on again I feel for a nice cup of tea....

Nadiya great company

Oh got a copy of Nadiya's British Food adventure.... spotted in Waterstones Uxbridge as half price.... great time to get a gifts for Christmas too....
But I love the company of Nadiya in this book, her whole personality and the production team's love of the project is felt.  The pages will set out too and wonderful names for dishes and cakes... with really unusual flavour combinations. You truly feel her passion for cooking and creating new new tastes in food... You feel taken on the adventure of her exploration of our British food with her multi-cultural themes.  I cannot wait to try... I also feel a special respect for Nadiya as she met up with Razan the wonderful Syrian refugee who has settled in Yorkshire and set up the Yorkshire Dama Cheese company making Haloumi cheese.. much to the delight of our Yorkshire dairy farmers and Princess Anne who has commended her cheese making. http://yorkshiredamacheese.co.uk/
So really feel delighted to have a copy of this book...
This is recipe for the Halloumi & Watermelon skewers with tamarind dip.... you will find this on p.68  love the way she has blended Asian with Syrian cuisine. 
The Orange scented polenta cake with rosemary, thyme and Pistachio sounds and looks good too.... 

Well pleased with this book... now to get the cooker sorted and some funds for ingredients... miss having a good food shop session and cooking for the family and a partner.. 

Sunday 20 August 2017

Tea and Catalogue look

Just been having a cup of tea in the garden and looking at the clothes catalogue from yesterdays visit to the store.  Now I know why I am attracted to Gudrun's designs.... she blends nature with different cultures and styles and colours..... so is what I am all about .. She has dipped into the oriental look from Japan, she has dipped into India with some of their colours and patterns and blended with European and Celtic and nature..... I am absolutely smitten with this designer and clothes..... Oh my just need some good income to be able to build up week by week and month by month the new look for me to feel me in.... Now is the time I wish I could work a few shifts but I know this body of mine is complaining of getting older... and wish I had not lost out on my pension schemes and investments over the life's years... Girls never let a fella rob you - be like Zsa Zsa if the marriage breaks... "Oh darlings I was always a good housekeeper with all my divorces I kept the house!"  lool hhhhh Sadly I did not go to the Zsa Zsa Gabor school of how to make money out of your men... I lost well the £$£ but gained a richness in life experience... Now as I rebuild my life I have my lovely Family Link Up project too that is giving me my life and feels me full of knowledge, hope and joy... 
This project is my life for the rest of my life for sure. Don't forget you can help not only with donations but shopping online too.. and any ideas on fundraising let me know.. we have winter to come again and also the children in both camps need school books and fun educational tools to help them.. 
Shop Now
Family Link Up - be part of the story
Donate through gofundme Thank you!
¸╭•⊰ GoFundMe ღ¸╭•⊰
Check out the wonderful Swedish range of clothes that I have found magical.
Gudrun Sjödén’s Home - a colourful magical world

Hand Care for you

Caring hands need care...

Check it out with me - a caring gift for anyone to receive, friends, family or colleagues - actually a great gift for a gardening friend! Click on "gifts"
Shop Now
orders in now and you get one a hand cream free from NYR

Beauty for our eyes

Allah truly Akbar .. and the most amazing designer of life in all it wonderful forms...Been watching the Fuchsia in my garden and got it today in all the stages of blossoming.... Loved one of our Yorkshire gardners Geoffrey describing the Fuchsia of the peacock of all flowers.....truly so..... Shukran for the pleasure and beauty of flowers .... and eyes to see them and heart to appreciate them...
Yes! caught me passion flower open in the sunshine... lol crazy gardener... she teases me opens in the sunlight and closes at night....
Wish I could feel this was my sacred space... and get this garden full of blooms and flowering pots ... shame the council make me feel uncomfortable here as if not really wanted in the neighbourhood..... and helped... but then this is the UK gov making us oldies feel a nuisance yet we done so much over our life tim!e.... created a lot of tax for em among me problems... 

Feels time for a change for pastures new..... but I think a number of us are feeling this in this mad man made troubled world.....
so so ready for a walk by the sea and think and feel free with good company... and a good natter and a good laugh.... 

Wow where does time go

Can I believe my eldest grand daughter 20 yrs old.... my goodness where did that time go.... Angelina you are amazing thank you when you call round to see me and help me out.....I appreciate it .... looking forward to our meet up in the week to celebrate... lol always the remember the time when you were a about 3 yrs and I was putting a cake in the oven.... you saying "Grandma you put too much in it will spill....". and you were right it did lol rose up and over the baking tin.... hhhhhh we had a laugh and still enjoyed the cake.... but Grandmas always learning from the grandkids...

Swedish Style & Care

I had the most wonderful experience yesterday in Leicester Square London .. I have been following a Swedish store on facebook and was intrigued by the clothes the colours and the designs.  So much so I felt they would enhance my planned Healing and Empowering weekend for women. The company lives truly to its name of being a colourful magical world.
Gudrun Sjödén’s Home - a colourful magical world
These are some of my photo sharing of the experience where the store has over its wall "Swedish Design with a Green Soul"  I felt I was entering a family home where customers feel part of a family and are cared for.  Allowed to freely roam around the experience, offered honey cakes and iced drinks on the warm day we had.  You can feel the soul and the passion of the designer in the clothes and the desire to be comfortable, practical and fun to wear.  I enjoyed trying some on and feel completely hooked on the styles.  I got talking to one of the long term customers and she felt she could build on her wardrobe truly.. as clothes from last year seasons design went on to compliment this years season designs.  Other customers sat having drinks with told me how they loved them as they are easy to wear and no matter your body shape looked good.  Women of all ages were coming into the store as the clothes are ageless..... I love the customer service even though yesterday I only bought some socks they were lovingly put in a beautiful cotton bag and I was given loyalty points to my registered customer name.  I feel I am part of the family and inshAllah when I get some funds to kit myself out will be adding and adding to restyle myself with this company clothes.....  I was thinking of Boshra from my Syrian family link up.  She would love the tunics as they are so elegant and easy to adapt to her modern hijab style...She probably would love working for this company too... I must see if there is a store in Belgium for her to visit and enjoy a magical colourful world... I can imagine if there was a children's range Princess Leen would be in her element with the colours and patterns.... I enjoyed my woman time trying on the clothes... love it all... and the home ware too...