Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Sabah el Noor

Sabah el noor good morning .. now my chest infection is getting better it makes me realise how ill I have been... But feeling all your prayers and thoughts... and surrounded by loving caring staff... My lovely Dutch lady in the next bed is impressive now.. lol I think since her Geranium & Orange shower yesterday ... she has been zipping around with her Zimmer frame..... as she says "I am the Flying Dutchlady now..."..hhhhhhhh Got another interesting stroke patient too.... that is an artist ... she has had some of her work exhibited in the Uxbridge library and won first prizes.... looking forward to seeing her work. Her stroke affected her right side but she is left handed so her dominant hand she still has the use of and can paint with.....but she is fascinating me... she can have short term memory ... yet can create pictures in her mind hold on to them to be able to put to canvas....