π·π·π♀️π♀️π️♀️π️♀️π♀️π♀️Last year we had the shock that my eldest daughter only had ever had one kidney since birth - of course in 1971 when I was expecting her there were no antenatal scans then to check development of babes in the womb. She has always been a strong baby and child and woman - it is only now when she started with raised BP that investigations got the doctors baffled - they could only find one kidney...... so it has been majorly important to preserve the function of this kidney that has been doing the work of two all this time.... last year she had a robotic pyleoplasty with the amazing renal team at Charing Cross Hospital ...... she feels now she wants to join the fundraisers to help raise funds for Kidney research in grateful thanks for the team and all their expertise and help to keep her well..... so she is now training for a fund raising run - she is developing a Justgiving page for you to follow her story and the fundraising team she is building up - can you help many thanks Deborah's Just Giving page Kidney Research