Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Blue Badge campaign goes on

More on helping to keep the spotlight on #FreeNazanin.  I lost some days out and about last week to that summer cold that was going round.. it floored me for 3 days but one of my friends called to see me and she selfied with me to say to Richard to keep strong. 
Of course we had a week of no contact as Nazanin was taken to a Psychiatric hospital in shackles.... so worrying for us all... But now she is released back to the jail so there are phone calls again. I have been out and about again from joining protesters in Whitehall to going to my physio appointment for my arthritic knees... it gets folk talking of Nazanin. So still good Blue badge power.  Now we have a big challenge as the PM is the very person in his role as Foreign secretary that made a blunder with incorrect outburst in a committee meeting. This seriously affected the jail sentence for Nazanin.  We also need to see who is placed as the new Foreign Secretary - this is an issue as there is no consistency of post holder and the focus on this case amidst all other international issues.