Sunday, 15 December 2019

Christmas offer rejected

Well we are at the other side of a shocking election result after weeks of toxicity and slurs the end of our dreams and hopes of getting a Labour majority if not a win.. and a more rational approach to the Brexit farce..

Strange that many of our northerners that have been labour through and through did the unthinkable and voted for Tories. Tories that have hurt the working man and those sick, vulnerable and elderly with politically induced austerity and resulting poverty that had the UN Reporteur Philip Alston investigating poverty in the UK yes UK 2019 with cases sounding more like Victorian times. Hunger and some not able to afford funerals for the lost loved ones.. yes UK 2019! 

But the selling line was getting brexit done with an oven ready deal and after years of hearing brexit brexit brexit voters yielded to getting it done.

Strange that we had packed halls for labour even on Thursday a packed hall in Uxbridge with keenness to win the PM seat with a great local man Ali Milani.  I did a piece to camera for an Italian TV company as they had been interested in my suffragette sash. I told them that this was to remind us all of women's vote and that a group of 1950s born women had been a target to rob us of £46,000 of pension with the shift in age of retirement..that 3.6 million women had been affected. That it was a vote loser for any politician that ignored us.There was a lovely loving atmosphere with solidarity and the TV team hugging me and lots of hugs in the Labour meeting place.  Some brilliant young Labour members lots of students and graduates full of eagerness to reshape a new future for society. Over the weeks we have had national webinars with thousands upon thousands attending and lots of innovative ideas particularly on our Green Industrial Revolution. 
But all this was nationally turned down for the Blue promise of Getting Brexit done. The electorate with the Tories turned their backs on us Grans that have been robbed of our pension! I have been feeling abused and battered with the toxicity of the constant knocks and slurs on Jeremy Corbyn.. and been in purdah to sit quiet at home.,.. and wow what an amazing revelation from reading Hillary Clinton's Book Gutsy Women.
It was the chapter on Margaret Chase Smith that it suddenly made sense what had happened as there was a feeling nothing is fitting about this election. The pattern of slurs and overt bullying and harassment of Jeremy was the technique that Senator McCarthy had used in the late 1940s early 1950. He would destroy his opponents with attacks on their reputation.  Margaret challenged this with as famous speech... " I don't want to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on the Four Horseman of Calumny - Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry  and Smear." Wow this is what the Tories and sadly some of the centralist Labour party members had done to destroy the hope and fairness that Jeremy was offering the many. With the many able to help fashion the future policies to heal old wounds and move to a future of financial dignity and respect for all.  A message that seems to be seen as a threat to the establishment... 

I am through my period of hurt and mourning and shock been nursing myself and as Marjorie is Marjorie the daughter of my mother and born in the 1950s i GET UP and turn Pain into Campaign... so my campaign and my projects go on.. as we are still European citizens till Brexit I have reached out to the European commission and the European Age Platform to get support and direction. Plus I have a meeting in the Deans yard Westminster Abbey...More on this later!