Thursday, 30 January 2020

Sunday, 19 January 2020

Compassion at Oxford

It has been a turbo charged week for me and this is the post from Thursday as I attended a Compassion in Politics meeting in Oxford. The day was full of inspiring and stimulating talks with a real need for us all to rethink our politics and economies to meet the challenges of the 21st century especially with the added challenge of Climate change among the repeated mistakes of war conflict and economies that create huge gaps between the few rich and the many that are just about surviving in the world.  From my personal viewpoint it is time man matured up and evolved into peaceful beings with compassion for all creation and this amazing planet we live on.. So I loved being among the people on Thursday as like minds came together.   I am writing up some of the days sharing but will need to return time and time again as I continue the research reading this has generate in my desire to explore and know more. 
The venue was Somerville College Oxford when you follow the link to their website you see the motto - "if you want to change the world come to Somerville". This is never so true and in so much need now!  The Principal Janet Royall, Baroness Royall of Blaisdon opened the day with a very touching inspirational speech on how we need compassion in politics... Which I echo... it is so true as all decisions should be made to enhance society and citizens not cause pain and feelings of life being ruined by lack of opportunity and dignity.  The day was filmed and when I get access to the link I will impregnate in this blog to share all the presentations. 

All the speakers gave good stimulating presentations George Manbiot “I love not man the less, but Nature more.”  He spoke a lot of sense how we need to work with nature not fight it or control it but work with it. You can get a feel of his work with this newspaper reference I have found published 2014 - how we needed to have listened then...!! Price a price on nature? We must stop this neoliberal capitalist road to ruin
There was a speaker Kate Raworth that totally captivated me and the audience with her energy, her style of presentation and the model of Doughnut Economics.. So impressed I have now got a copy of her book Doughnut Economics - Seven Ways to Think like a 21st-Century Economist.  Here is a link to her TED lecture A Healthy Economy should be designed to thrive not to grow... It was strange for me as only the day before I had attended a lecture at Brunel University where a company Biohm has put all that was being talked out by George and Kate into practice. I have link them up on Twitter. 

Then it was good to meet and listen to Guy Standing. I first became aware of Guy's work on the Precariat from my MP John McDonnell that referred to his work in a House of Commons speech.  I have the book and it all makes sense and another nudge for us to completely review our society, our workplaces, our economy.  Here is a link to one of his TED lectures I absolutely agree with the need for a  Basic Income for all to continue to have financial dignity when unable to work or no work.. To help rid of the fear of being jobless and no income at all. 
It is always a talk full of compassion from Rev Paul Nicholson, the founder of Tax Payers Against Poverty   His care for the plight of those on benefits; the homelessness and the failings of the present system is with his full heart and the practicality of the need to review Housing and Affordable Rents. 
I shall add to this blog post as I explore more of the work of the presenters and will add the link to the days filming when I have it. The day was full of lots of common sense and maturity to evolve into societies driven by Compassion in Politics for all citizens to thrive.... and feel secure as we all work together to care for one another and this one planet home. 

Saturday, 18 January 2020

Making sense

Love this work by Tom Butler.... and no finer time than now to to be trying to make sense of Parliament. I am a keen lobbyist being an activist on many domestic and international issues so this art totally appealed to me...  I spotted this in a very elegant gallery in York yesterday when I was visiting my daughter and grandson.. Whitewall Galleries on Davygate, the staff were so kindly and so incredibly knowledgeable on art. I was sharing my Family Link Up project and how Boshra is healing and rebuilding her life through her artwork.  The staff were interested and pleased I was to submit her work to be judged for the Summer Exhibition in the Royal Academy of Arts .. They were showing me how to frame canvas and the finishing of prints and original work... I am learning so much on this journey of helping Boshra as she develops as an artist.  I am learning how to market art for artists too... The staff loved my sharing of the Christie's auction on Monday for the Hope Project too... 
The gallery had such a lovely atmosphere and you felt you wanted to stay and look at all the work in detail...  I have put the contact card in this blogpost for those that wish to purchase this Tom Butler art study ... as it is a study of all that goes on and around parliament... Though he has many versions he can now work on with the massive changes and chaos we are in!!   

My mother would have love this floral art above.. 

See below how the canvas is encased in the frame... I now know how it is done.

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Hope through bio innovation

I had a very inspiring afternoon at Brunel University my local university.  I had spotted an event to look at entrepreneurship so booked to attend as a member of the community. I was completely blown away by a presentation from Ehab Sayed, a past graduate from Brunel.  He is the founder director of innovation of a company called BIOHM - the future of home.  He has used his biological mind and knowledge of the ecosystem to develop building materials from our waste so creating a circular economy to utilise that which we would throw away. Also he has with his team of scientist tapped into the usefulness of biocompounds from orange peel to the insulation property of fungi Mycelium.  He has found a way to work with nature and the patterns and forms of nature! Looking at carbon atom structures to gain inspiration and developing building techniques using interlocking structure called Triagomy.. It is all I have been saying... on the need to encourage our youth to see the connective inspiration from all the sciences so that they can problem solve for the future... buildings so all can have shelter, ways to reuse waste in a constructive way so that it is no longer waste but part of a cycle of use. Products that are healthy for mankind not toxic or producing hazards to lead to more climate change problems.  What a ray of hope to have good minds like this coming together.  We need to listen and see and act to save this amazing one planet home from a our present continued trajectory of destruction. We have to use our intelligence intelligently as this innovative team have done...  ref: Guardian - ..could biotech clean up the building industry Facebook link BIOHM Twitter link @biohmhome
Been a lovely afternoon on campus and there was a fresh fruit and vege market and breads so I am now sat eating a lovely vegetable stew with fresh bread....Do note each Wednesday there are tour rounds of the campus..with a guide to courses and events.  All on my doorstep too..  

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Passionfruit Love

Love love these Passion Fruit hearts from Hotel Chocolat...could not resist when the shop assistant, a rather nice young man offered me one to try in the Paddington shop.... I treated myself to a pack and ate most on the way home tonight on the train... and now these last two have gone... lol 

Monday, 13 January 2020

Auction evening of Hope

Brilliant evening at Christie's Charity Auction for the Hope Project in Lesvos...Ian Hislop was the guest auctioneer and was so good and funny too.. He certainly did do well for the project as some paintings went for £900; £1000 and the top bid for one of the works of art got £1700. This is marvellous for the project as if the buyers are UK taxpayers then there is Gift Aid  added to the total amount donated in bids... This is the added bonus of being a registered charity. Learn more about the Hope Charity  

This was my first time at an art auction and in Christie's I am very impressed with all they do and all the other events they host.  The staff were kind with me and interested in my personal befriending project Family Link Up The auction I was sharing with Boshra in Belgium and her brother in Turkey.  Boshra was pleased and grateful that people are still remembering refugees and are wishing to help.  But we were all shocked at the conditions and demands on Lesvos with still more attempting the crossing. It fills my heart and mind with major concern and I am so grateful the family I befriend are safe! When I think back to all they have been through it makes me shudder. But even when safe the journey to healing continues and rebuilding lives. We need more befrienders like my Family Link Up and more volunteers to amazing projects like we heard about this evening the Hope Project.  Thank goodness there is kindness in the world to buffer the man made pain of war and conflict. 
The Kids Hope is still up for auction this week along with other pieces of artwork. I had a powerful day yesterday over Skype as I was showing Boshra and Leen the auction catalogue and Leen said in English "Oh I like this one!" pointing to the kids peering out of their cabin.... makes me fill with tears as I remember the kids in Eleonas camp doing this as I walked through the camp. Me and Leen would sit on the cabin step having breakfast together watching the others going to and fro in the camp.  I am going to ask Christie's if they can pass my details to the buyer of this piece and if we can buy some prints of this.

Sunday, 12 January 2020

Kris Kross Amsterdam, Maan & Tabitha - Hij Is Van Mij ft. Bizzey

I like this song tells a familiar story to many of women finding the same man! It is catchy music with a brilliant way of telling the story between Maan & Tabitha and then the culprit putting his side of the story in!!! lol 
I am using this song to attune myself to the Dutch and word hear and pick up on pronunciation.... though as in English it can have poetic licence for fitting to the music.  I am using a translation from online to help me but some words are jogging my memory from some reading and learning before Christmas.  I am working on some slides to translate key words into Arabic so that I can use with my Family Link Up project and help Boshra with Dutch and me with Arabic. Between us we will get fluent in Dutch English and Arabic. 

Heart the truth

La mente ci fa capire quanto siamo piccoli,
il cuore quanto possiamo essere grandi”.
(Santa Madre Teresa)

" the mind makes us understand how small we are,
The heart how big we can be ".
(Holy Mother Teresa)
Found in my FB newsfeed Il colore dei pensieri

Friday, 10 January 2020

Golden Grass

All that glitters is not gold but there is a grass that does look like gold and this is my first time seeing it and knowing about it.  I was amazed by this stall in the St James's Market Piccadilly.  It is absolutely beautiful and fascinating. Golden grass grows in Brazil and is woven into all sorts of trinkets and baskets... the botanical name is Syngonanthus nitens.. The Golden Grass Company Hand made eco-friendly jewelry. 

I could not resist buying the bracelets... 
and good price too £5 each or 3 for £12 and they look so rich and elegant 
They are lightweight too!

Giving Hope

Some photos from my visit to St James Church Piccadilly to see the Hope Project art exhibition from the refugees of Lesvos ..The work... and there is much more in the catalogue will be auctioned by Christies on 13th January 2020 7:15 pm. The drawing above "Kids Hope" reminds me of my time in Eleonas Camp for my Family Link Up project - I would walk down the rows of caravans and brothers and sisters would gaze out of the door like this... 

The Hope Project Arts is a safe place for refugees to express themselves through art, theatre, poetry, music, dance and so much more, while teaching others new skills and promoting a sense of community and understanding.
The Hope Project’s overriding focus is the mental health of refugees on Lesvos. The artworks exhibited here were all created by refugees in The Hope Project art studio, many of whom are still living on the island.

This last photo I have loaded from the auction catalogue is called "No Voice"  this is why it is so important to befriend refugees to be a voice for them and to connect as friend to friend to help heal & rebuild lives. My Family Link Up has enriched my life and put me on a journey of knowledge, understanding & experience even going into parliament to be a voice for my Syrian family....