Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Health Made at Home 2nd webinar

Yesterday I joined the second webinar on Health is Made at Home - Hospitals are for repairs by Lord Nigel Crisp. The speakers were very interesting addressing men's stress and being fathers... it was good to hear how Heather Henry a nurse had helped facilitate and respected how a group of fathers had come together to help support one another..  The whole series and book that Nigel has written is looking at empowering people in their communities to help one another. Guide and support with love, respect and compassion for one another

 It was impressive to hear from Lord John Bird the founder of the Big Issue and how he had his own journey with homelessness.  I find this rather wonderful that he is now in the House of Lords... amazing hoping to read more about John. it was rather good that yesterday he was liaising with the Dr Fiona Godlee the editor in chief of the BMJ, who was chairing this meeting.  On the subject of homelessness I made reference in the chat to the enormous work the now Late Rev Paul Nicholson had put in to producing a Housing Bill that would guarantee no one was left on the streets..... I point out we cannot consider ourselves a society while we have people living and dying on the streets with no home of their own. ref: 16th Dec 2019  Deans Yard Meeting with Rev Paul Nicholson this includes the livestream recording of that meeting and speakers. Also Compassion in Politics at Oxford  TaxPayers Against Poverty 

In yesterdays webinar we were made aware of House  of Lords new Covid-19 committee that want you to take part in a reach out to find out your hopes and fears of life & society post pandemic! #lifebeyondcovid
Here is the link to submit your evidence & ideas
House of Lords Beyond Covid 19