EAPN - European Anti-Poverty Network International day for the Eradication of Poverty - Acting together to achieve Social and Environmental Justice for All. Not only a pre pandemic problem but now augmented risk of poverty from job losses due to pandemic. In among this also a need to move towards a greener circular economy. This not only needs improved standard of housing but housing that is energy efficient for occupants. We are seeing more and more fuel poverty with growing inability to pay bills, a growing worry for this coming winter. This does not need to be with Solar Wind and Wave kinetic power sources... But folk need help to install and modify homes. Landlords need be helped to modify homes for tenants and it be assured that standards met.
We had a good presentation from Oliver Du Schutter the UN reporteur on Poverty...he highlighted that the pandemic has put a spotlight on inequalities and the public health problems of overcrowding, comorbidity , poverty reducing immune response. How many had been forced to work in substandard poorly paid jobs in order to keep some income coming in for their families. He stressed the importance of strengthening social protection.
I was able to follow the French contributions from the French speaking Belgiums and impressed with the Lutte Pauvrete...
The film was an eye opener to those that are struggling..
and mostly the elderly. I will try to get this film to post!
I needed the Zoom translator for the Portuguese input... but was saddened that people are being so stressed with inadequate incomes against increasing cost of living... Feeling ashamed to ask for help and need welfare... It is not the citizen that should be ashamed but leaders to be disgraced.. For me poverty is a diagnostic of failed leadership as all have the right to living dignity...it is also bad housekeeping as poverty costs more in the long run with spin off problems to manage.
There will be a recording of this zoom meeting to share..
In my permitted unmuted comment I was able to make all aware of Kate Raworth's book on the Doughnut model of Economics with circular green economy to benefit all to eradicate poverty and care for our one planet home. Oliver, the UN reporteur was keen to get a copy of this book and learn more. Kate Raworth Videos
#endpoverty #thetimeisnow #povertyworld #Socialrights #environmentaljustice
lol I love the French pronunciation of my name Marjoooree... and yes I did attend in bed socks and slippers...