Sunday, 23 May 2021

Kitchen Sharing to understand


Food sharing sitting round a table leads to heart sharing, talking, listening and understanding.
It has been majorly distressing seeing the flare up of attacks on Gaza again. I could see through deliberate aggitators from extremists "settlers" in Jerusalem..sad in words settle means to feel safe and in harmony and salem means peace in the name Jerusalem. The added ongoing problem of land taking without prior agreement leads to conflict.  The pen is mightier than the sword but when it draws lines on a map then it leads to swords being drawn! Especially when the original border lines are breached and results in illegal occupation! When will homo sapiens be truly Sapiens wise and maturely evolve into peaceful beings and respect one another and this one planet home we all share. Every living creature shares too ..yet we are being homo stupidus to behave in a way that destroys and could destroy our one planet home! 
I have been checking in daily to my Palestinian nurse in Gaza that I mentored through his BSc Nursing he now is BSc MSc and wishing to study for a PhD.  He works hard in oncology and volunteers for Medicin Sans Frontiere.. His wife a maths teacher.
Yesterday I sat with his wife and messenger chatted over coffee..She in Gaza me here in UK.  She was telling me she can't get the sound of explosions out of her head and felt dizzy with stress. So we came together woman to woman sharing.  I sent her photos of my flowers in my garden to restore beauty into her mind.. and reconnect to the beauty of creation. This is something my Syrian refugees do too. Important to buffer the ugliness of war with beauty. We also talked about things we like to do ..she is learning knitting and was showing me a jumper she is trying to knit her husband.. my graduate nurse. I shared patterns and the clothes I knit my refugees. I get frustrated as I cannot get parcels in to Gaza...nor visit them.  This is the worrying fact the people of Gaza cannot get out by land or sea..and visitors cannot visit freely. It even took a lot of talking to get a humanitarian corridor open after the ceasefire! 
Most people of the world do want to share with one another and care for one another. 
We can share food, heartfelt talks and listen to one another. 
Salem Shalom Peace Om Shanti