Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Stand tall & Strong

Today feeling the intimidating negative energy from the troublesome neighbours around me. Done special protective prayers and don't worry local police keeping eye on me and the whole carry on..This lady ain't for intimidating! Strong from all my life experiences! Just now led to look at an old photo file of the time I joined a team of doctors, nurses, midwives and volunteers to go to Romania to help with the orphans there. It was year after revolution and we crossed Europe in a convoy of trucks & coaches through the big winter freeze of 1991.. i with 3 others were based in Tirgu Mures others were sent to other areas around Romania. There was still the heavy atmosphere of oppression and intimidation from the dictator even though he had been executed... the secret police still feared. But we all breezed in from all over Eurooe & Scandinavia to whoosh the energy into love and care.. helpers from Sweden to Ireland bringing in expertise to help. For me what struck me was adults suffering birth defects like bilateral talipes ( inward turned feet) that in paediatric care would have been corrected from birth. So from medical perspective was like going back in time before NHS .. I wonder how all the children we cared for are now.. grown and parents themselves. I wonder how tge local Pastor & his wife are who asked me back to speak at a church conference. No this Lady Marjorie must stand tall in the neighbourhood as I have on the frontline in my career. So sad that now as OAP there are folk that think I am a target to intimidate not love and respect... but alas when drugs in the neighbourhood it distorts minds... so sad seeing youth destroy their lives when there is so much work for them to do we have a bigger problem than pandemic our planet needs resuscitating from our damage!

I write this as my front garden got vandalised well my rose tree called Angel Eyes. This happened while some youths saw me going out to the local shops. They have in lockdown threatened me.. no evidence it was them but suspected. 

So sad the tree called Angel Eyes but a message: as in order for us to see with Angel Eyes you need to see with your heart. We need people to have Angel Eyes to see and act as angels in love & care.