Thursday, 4 August 2022

Here catching up

First a close up on beauty.
No blog posts in majority of July as was ill with this mean critter covid.. even with my vaccinations.  It started with Tonsillitis then full on flu ... on testing was positive. Also had gum inflammation... .. my family got me groceries fluids and a fan..with the grace of Allah God I am well   survivor...& negative.. 

The heat wave was tricky too felt scary.. some felt it wonderful but it was and is abnormal for the Northern hemisphere.   I have had time in India, Dubai & Morocco so coped with heat ..but our 40c and fires a real shift into extreme weather we need to prepare better!  review our infrastructures to cope but most of all respect and heal our one planet home.  We need to get warlords to stop their war tantrums trashing our global communities, destroying lives and infrastructure. 

Lets remember the chart on what we need to prepare for as climate change impacts on health.