Saturday 12 October 2024


This morning had 8am appointment at Harefield Hospital for an Echocardiogram and blood studies all part of my care plan for Sleep Apnoeas. The long term effect of sleep apnoeas can lead to heart failure, hypertension and stroke. Given I have been showing signs linked to heart failure... Breathlessness on exertion, abdominal bloating, ankle oedema (swelling), fatigue, high blood pressure then my team wanted to assess my heart function. The staff today so lovely felt at ease and in very good healing caring hands. Mind you hospitals have been my career pathway as a Nurse & Midwife.. so strange being in patients gown not scrubs.. 

The echocardiogram was fascinating see my heart the flow of oxygenated blood in graphics red the deoxygenated blood flow in graphics blue.. we tend to do a colour code like this for biological differentiation. In reality oxygenated blood is brighter red than darker deoxgenated blood. Remember your biology red cells haemoglobin carry freshly oxygenated blood from our lungs to send oxygen via our arteries round to all our cells for metabolism. Haemoglobin then carries carbon dioxide by product of metabolic process to lungs via venous system to be exhaled. In brief lol Though there is more complex dynamics going on. 

So my heart pumping action looked at ...left ventricle fill and squeeze for oxygenated blood and right side for deoxgenated flow to lungs. My aorta main artery and vena cava main vein assessed. After to say I was in complete relax Mindfulness while this happening in good hands.

The hospital was calm and quiet early on this Saturday morning. I arrived mega early taking first U7 bus to Uxbridge then U9 bus that goes directly into the hospital. Scroll down to read something extra happened to me ...***

Zoom in on the Hare Art you will notice many objects 
Clever artwork by a patient. 
***Something happened post my examination and blood taking. While I was having coffee in the canteen an audio message came in to me from my Palestinian MSF nurse in Gaza.. the sound of gunfiring around him. I do wish we could save my nurse, his wife and baby daughter from all the horrors.. it seems crazy sat in quiet specialist hospital short of specialist nurses and my nurse with all the specialist experience in cardiology, oncology and trauma could be a very very valuable team member. Yet we could lose him in the attacks on Gaza!  He has taken his career to MSc level and competent in lecturing and conference presentation. Published in the European Journal of Oncology Nursing. A born nurse ... his wife a maths teacher and his daughter needs her life before her with a future to show her talent and place in our world. Not lost to the world. How crazy a situation to be in a place here in West London where life saved to be listening to life being destroyed by leaders that fail to Mature in the Wisdom of Peace and togetherness. 

The Earth our home we share needs a unified caring compassion understanding heartbeat from we humans. Vital signs are showing a need to resuscitate, refresh, reform, regroup and care for our only life support Planet Earth. For that we need Global peace.🕊🌍

Then while waiting for the bus had a video call from my Family Link Up   Syrian Princesses in Belgium who were fascinated by my echocardiogram. Already at their Belgium school they have been taught the beauty of the heart its myogenic muscle that can set up its own pacemaker wave of electrical conductivity to contract and thus pump the heart.  Even my Syrian Princesses could tell me about the P QRS T waves on an ECG .. so excellent teachers in their Belgium school.. note my Princesses little Professors of Linguistics can explain this in Nederlandse English and Arabic ..!!
Pioneer of Cadio-Thoracic Surgery