Monday, 10 March 2025

Open Lab

Well this Monday been very interesting! There was an Open Lab day at Brunel University where we BORG Brunel Older Reference Group members were invited to meet researchers. There are studies we can take part in as researchers investigate the ageing process and how to improve wellbeing. 

The research pieces we looked at and invited to participate were on 1. Reducing Falls Risk through dedicated mental practice. 2. How heat and walking exercise influence blood flow and cardiovascular health. 3.  Research into behavioural changes that may be indicated in early Alzheimer's..  

So a very stimulating day we also had a very interesting talk on early embryonic development and myeloid leukaemia in children ... as a look at other research in action. 

We are so lucky to have Brunel University in our Borough. I personally feel I can reconnect to my academic background as now retired nurse & midwife... 

More beauty on campus