Sunday, 22 January 2017

Narcissistic Trump

In my attempts to understand Trump and his Trumpdom actions I found a couple of good articles that support my concern over some personality behavioral patterns.  
Nigel Barber writes in the Huffington post in 2016
Whether narcissism is a real disorder - as opposed to a dimension of personality on which we all vary - is controversial. Does Donald Trump conform to the clinical pattern?
Professional psychiatrists, and psychotherapists, are loath to go on record saying that Trump has a psychiatric disorder on the premise that one cannot do a diagnosis without an office visit and most narcissists are quite unlikely to recognize that they have a problem and to schedule an appointment.

A blogger named Max on this site goes into details in 2015 on his observations of Trump as what he calls a flaming narcissist...
  • They are eternal youths, Peter Pans, who refuse to grow up and take on adult responsibilities
  • They lives are consumed by a sense of their own grandiosity.
  • This grandiosity reveals itself in the narcissist's flaming sense of entitlement
  • Narcissists have no core center of their own existence. They are totally reliant on others for attention and approval, what psychologists label "narcissistic supply". 
  • When someone ignores a narcissist, denies them approval, exposes their grandiosity, or actually confronts them and criticizes their actions, the narcissist reacts with rage.
  • Another facet of this syndrome is paranoia. Narcissists are always suspicious that others are plotting against them and working against their interests
  • Magical thinking. Peter Pans can fly and wave that magic wand and get whatever they want; how convenient. (on this point it would seem the magic wand is the pen that signs off orders!)

My Trump observations: There are some worrying trends seen in the election build up- but mostly concentrated in the last 48 hrs..... and this creating a wall around himself by saying all critical people are enemies reinforces concern. To be a successful democratic leader in an open society that has at its core liberty, then you have to listen to the people you serve. Servitude is the essence of leading a nation. it is vital you listen to your citizens, it vital you respect your citizens and with this respect opposition to your views and that other parties and groups do form that nation. 

For a business man I find it disappointing that I would have thought he had better company director skills. Whilst defining your overall company policies there has to be a free flow of communication and listening from all departments. You have to listen to your experts and base your judgement of decisions on the facts presented..... It is not democratic but autocratic to forge full steam ahead with signing off policies and laws within a few hours of being in post. 

The country's constitution as President.Trump has just sworn to protect then immediately ignoring constitution is majorly worrying. Then to have press team to cover up obvious facts of attendance to the inauguration is of concern too. This is somewhat like the Kings New Clothes story - Saying what the King wanted people to say when it was blatantly obvious he was naked and no fine gown..!! He is trying to shield his perceived self interested success. The role now is most dominant and not the people he is serving and leading to create the so called Greater America... within hours it would seem he is serving his own ego and inflating to such as degree that he will not listen and hides behind the perception that the president cannot be questioned. 

The team of advisers need to true to themselves and the nation by advising with informed authority to guide this president or he will simply go full steam ahead and collide with a brick wall.. maybe the southern wall he intends to build......!!! it is not looking good thus far....rather becoming a megolamanical, deluded despot... and we sure have enough of them causing havoc in the world without another..... 

Success is not based on false friends and glitz it is based on how true your heart is to the people you serve and lead to ensure their liberty, their creativity, their protection, their dignity, their health and well being... so a very humbling role with compassion that is not weakness but strength....... sad that he swore on the bible and lots of references to Jesus PBH who was compassionate and caring, egoless and selfless....... 

so sad Trump as led to a transition of the USA to become a deluded Trumpdom...... even to ordering our Queen on what she should ALLOW him to do when he is visiting the UK........ wowee have we got some challenges ahead........
Image result for statue of liberty