Thursday, 30 March 2017

Problems and frustration

Getting hassle from the council and really there should be no issue what so ever... they and the DWP  seem to think I am earning when I am not... so utterly confusing the situation I have been left in with a scamming Moroccan husband that steam rolled through my life and fleeced me.... Women victims need a better deal then a system that keeps battering her and making her feel like she is the criminal not the perpetrator..... I am trying to get John McDonnell my MP to see me and help..... but everyone seems pre-occuppied now with Brexit Brexit Brexit...... ohhh so crazy...!! 

I am thinking - what if I put out a gofundme for me to raise a year rent to the London Borough of Hillingdon seeing the DWP is refusing to help this over 60 in a motherland where she has paid in tax all her life and all ancestors paid tax to every King Queen and Government..... would you help me ... raise £6000 to pay direct to London Borough of Hillingdon.......then was thinking gee we may all have to help one another like this as - the UK has gone mad and it will cost a fortune for all the severing the ties with the rest of global family in social care will be cut instead of helping more........but seriously I am in danger of being turfed out of the sheltered bungalow .... never thought my country would come to this devoid of compassion for the elderly and vulnerable........All because I was born in 1954 will not get my state pension till 2020

One has ordered a copy of "The Lady" from the local newsagent to look for "live in companion" posts....

I have been trying to get paid posts too ... but one was shortlisted for but not offered and others nothing heard at all... 
I shall continue to raise funds for the refugee families and as you know that goes direct to their needs... with evidence of this too...... as between us all we need to rebuild our lives after trauma and abuse....and folk fleecing us.... about time we got Dr Death Assad dipping into his assets to pay all of us for the havoc he has caused just as my perpetrator Amine should be caught by his balls and pay for all the damage he has done to my life.......... perpetrators have to be held to account..........
Today stopped by one of elderly ladies Winnie with wheelie zimmer...was telling her about all my oh arh with council... now been invited to the OAP wednesday club she was saying we could do with some younger OAP members we had 60 but now down to 20 as they all keep dying off...... bless hhhhh but she was saying come as we have helped one another through all sorts of issues....... and with this Brexit folk are worried what will happen to the elderly.... and them like me that are being refused their state pension....!! so long term taxpayers unite and banners on our Zimmer frames...... look out Theresa we on the march for a good deal for us all.... and it has to include free chiropody as you will need soon dear PM with those kitten shoes you clatter about in.??!!
My voice appears not be heard in the London Assembly Dr Onkar Sahota PA feels they can do nothing to help women victims of DV ... I am not convinced that a good local GP that has become an assembly member can do nothing.... he is campaigning strong on the NHS and this social situation can impact grossly on the NHS provision in A/E and long term mental health support.... so does need to be addressed when the DWP is seen to be not fit for purpose at supporting those in need...!! we all need to shout out and get system strengthened... UK is YUCK folks with incompetence...!! Driving me crazy when I just need financial dignity to live my life doing what I enjoy doing and that is now helping refugees..... as we all traumatised souls that have lost everything and need to rebuild our lives.....