Sunday, 20 August 2017

Beauty for our eyes

Allah truly Akbar .. and the most amazing designer of life in all it wonderful forms...Been watching the Fuchsia in my garden and got it today in all the stages of blossoming.... Loved one of our Yorkshire gardners Geoffrey describing the Fuchsia of the peacock of all flowers.....truly so..... Shukran for the pleasure and beauty of flowers .... and eyes to see them and heart to appreciate them...
Yes! caught me passion flower open in the sunshine... lol crazy gardener... she teases me opens in the sunlight and closes at night....
Wish I could feel this was my sacred space... and get this garden full of blooms and flowering pots ... shame the council make me feel uncomfortable here as if not really wanted in the neighbourhood..... and helped... but then this is the UK gov making us oldies feel a nuisance yet we done so much over our life tim!e.... created a lot of tax for em among me problems... 

Feels time for a change for pastures new..... but I think a number of us are feeling this in this mad man made troubled world.....
so so ready for a walk by the sea and think and feel free with good company... and a good natter and a good laugh....