Throughout history, man has always adapted to natural landscapes and to making good use of resources. The beehive houses of Harran are a perfect example of this. They first appeared around 3000 years ago and although now days, most are used as tourist exhibitions, they are still a marvellous insight into life during history.I would love to visit this place... some say that The prophet Ibraham is believed to have lived in Harran...
Saturday, 17 February 2018
Beehive houses of Harran
I spotted this photo in my newsfeed from the Tourism & Art & Turkey facebook page and this has set me off investigating more. Ths Houses of Harran is near to where some of my refugees are and one of the family members is an ancient historian so had made me aware of some of the amazing ancient cultural relics there are around the place. But this photo really stimulated me to find out more as look at it - as a Briton I can see even some of our old Saxon ways in this old community dwelling. Oh dear world we have such richness around us from our ancestors and we should have learned from all the crazy conflicts and wars in the past not to repeat crazy behaviour. We have so much to treasure and learn from to move on to peaceful caring beings. I have found more photos from a travel blog...Turkey Travel Centre Beehive Houses