Brilliant zoom conference today. Excellent time of sharing on the theme of Policy making - Adequate minimum income protection the backbone of a truly Social Europe. European Anti-Poverty Network I will load the recording when available. The meeting recognised the multiple problems we are all facing post pandemic and geopolitical issues.
Good panel of speakers and here is the link to the Belgium Report on Cost of living
La Banque Nationale - missions & strategies
Some screen captures and you can get involved to help all have living dignity.
Wish I could be part of this dynamic team ..but in a way was today be it in zoom attendance participation. Was good to have my comments and questions acknowledged and valued in the chat... Was able to ref: Kate Raworth Doughnut model of economics and Guy Standing I point out we need a new model to prevent poverty ..facilitate living dignity for all. I further point out the need to address our status as precariats in zero hour contracts and short term contacts...This creates problems when a present economy relies on predictable earnings. Earnings that match living costs.