Saturday Evening was like a Global Glastonbury with people from all around the globe zooming together for Love and Compassion. So needed in this world full of turmoil, conflicts and fears with climate change. So we all lit candles in our zoom locations to light up the world with care and compassion. The vibs were awesome with healing and soothing that we all are needing after all the challenges we have faced together with the pandemic then other turmoils and cost of living. It is a wonderful image to think all around the globe north south east west candles were lit with mindfulness of compassion for one another and self.
Togetherness is strength even with people of different views, opinions, cultures and life experiences.. rather like a strong rope made up of many strands entwined.
You can join the movement for Compassion in all aspects of life .....and needed in politics for policymaking with compassion for citizens. A society without compassion ceases to be a society for it is the glue that holds us together.
It was good to see in the chat someone referring to Kate Raworth's Doughnut Model of Economics .. a model based on compassion for all and this planet.
Selection of images from a very inspirational insightful evening Film of the Evening