Friday, 28 April 2023

Parliament on Monday 24th April


Monday this week was very special. i took my Ukranian friend Juliya to Parliament. We had both booked for a public meeting organised by John McDonnell my MP.  One of a series of seminars that John has organised. This month looking at ways to eradicate poverty.  But the presentation was very detailed and we both felt did not have a conclusive action plan. I think with the rest of the seminars we will be able to formulate a comprehensive action plan.  My contribution in the open up to the attendees for comments and questions was that I felt poverty was diagnostic of failed leadership and malpolicies.  Highlighting the conclusion of the Philip Alston UN report on the investigative study he performed in the UK pre pandemic.  I also highlighted that poverty was expensive to manage as it costs more in spin off medical, psychological  and social problems.  We need policies that facilitate living dignity for all.  
We were in the Boothroyd room in Portculis house. A room dedicated to the late Betty Boothroyd a brilliant speaker of the house!