Thursday, 23 November 2017

Rescue inspiration

"Refugees and displaced people have lost everything. But the refugee crisis is not just about "them"; it is also about "us" - what we, living in far greater comfort, stand for and how we see our place in the world. It is a test of our character, not just our policies. Pass the test, and we rescue ourselves and our values as well as refugees and their lives" David Miliband
this book is written with his compassion..... his family too were refugees........ we can show that refugees have not lost everything they have us to help them they have not lost their dreams to rebuild their lives........ we have amazing people and families with lots of skills, expertise and education all we need are host countries and citizens to reach out as a Global Family link up and help rebuild broken lives......

Justice will come soon for the perpetrators that broke those lives and they will never break the spirit of LOVE CARE AND COMPASSION ..
help me to help rebuild lives - be part of the story with me...... my hand links direct to those I help and they in turn hold their hands of others around them....... we can help many with this project....
This project is my life for the rest of my life for sure and there is so much we can do together in the family life rebuild. Don't forget you can help not only with donations but shopping online too.. and any ideas on fundraising let me know.. 
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Family Link Up - be part of the story
Donate through gofundme Thank you!
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