I have been reconnecting with myself today as I try to find some paid work.... looking at my books on the bookshelf at home... the books that I studied with and kept updated with as a BSc RN RM in my practice have always been my friends. When I was in coronary care I found Dale Dubin's book Rapid interpretation of EKGs (US way of saying ECG) was the most useful.. Dale is like the David Attenborough of natural history and biology he has an infectious passion for his subject matter. The way he explains the subject exudes his passion for his work..... the work book is well set out to work systematically through - with even the recognition of break for cup of tea in the heavy to understand bits... lol .... love the way he got across to me the axis deviation so that as you look at the V leads and QRS complexes you can work out the area of infarction in the heart muscle..... this book is a worthy investment for any doctor or nurse or midwife to have to understand. I include midwives as I worked in a teaching hospital St Thomas's Hospital in London and we would have women through that had pre existing heart problems that had survived to have babies.... and there were times when we had to nurse mothers in HDU High dependency unit with cardiac monitoring.... so it is good to be aware of what is normal and what is an alert on abnormality.... even in this book you find out the wave patterns for high and low potassium so electrolyte imbalances.
You can get a taste of this book from Dale's site Dale Dubin site
This neonatal resuscitation is a work book with CD rom to learn with... a must for midwives and those working in neonatal units and paed A/E Neonatal Resus textbook and the must follow on is the stabilisation of neonates following successful resus.... for this I recommend the S.T.A.B.L.E course STABLE program S.T.A.B.L.E. stands for the six assessment and care modules in the program: Sugar, Temperature, Airway, Blood pressure, Lab work, and Emotional support