Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Mini allotment in the British Red Cross garden

 Was lovely to get back to the British Red Cross centre in Hackney today....after my illness.... The centre does a lot of good work helping the homeless, the poor and refugees..... There is a small space in the back and one of the volunteers with the service users has put this wonderful mini but very productive allotment together....from corn to strawberries Marrows and cucumber...... The Tomato plants have flourish and there will be a good crop soon.... The cook has already been using some of the produce to feed those that come for help and are in need.  But it makes it look so homely too..... and the centre is like a home to use for some rest, cooked food, groceries for the week, washing facilities for clothes and a stock of donated clothes to change into.  Showers and some days there is a massage therapist.... there are workshops for creative writing and some arts and crafts...English lessons and IT groups.  The V&A refugee week as featured some of the work done.... and there is a compilation of poems too from the creative writing group..... I have missed all this with the pneumonia and recovery period....Tomorrow there is an Open Day for visitors to come along and see the facilities and also if they wish to join and help out. 
Putting Kindness into ActionLearn more about the British Red Cross