Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Kidney Matters

I have been to our Hayes Renal Unit a Satellite dialysis unit for Imperial College Healthcare  I met with the duty Sister and her team. It is rather a lovely unit, my mission was to tell them of the fundraising I have been doing to help Kidney Research UK in grateful thanks for the Renal team that have helped my eldest daughter Debbie.  

We have been promoting a Pamper Hamper raffle and was offering some commission from my Neals Yard Remedies Independent Consultancy. 
Marjorie's Yard  We have not managed to get the sales we expected but at least managed to raise £121 in the month of November and you can donate more to the cause on Debbie JustGiving Page  read of the fundraising project over November on this page link Christmas Raffle Page Report. The raffle is being drawn on 14th December my daughter's birthday.   I picked up a copy of Kidney Matters from the unit and it is brilliant for loads of information from clinical support to living with renal problems and fund raising. KidneyCareUK