When I listened to people in attendance there was a common set of mental distress that I too have been experiencing. It is like we are all going through a form of Grief - grieving the world we wish it to be that of Peace and harmony with all and our one planet home. We are traumatised by what we are witnessing of mass destruction and genocide. "Never again"was the reason we formed the International Criminal Court why we have rules and rights to live without fear of torment and oppression. We all are going through the pain of what we are witnessing and grief with periods of sobbing, anger, frustration, pacing around unsettled and sometimes just sat numb and in mental blankness. But this gives impetus to turn that pain into campaign to get the horrors to stop and to stop now. The reason why en masse we take to the streets to protest, write and lobby MPs and come together to stop the madness! We need Shalom Salem Peace Om Shanti. This is urgent as without the real power of the Wisdom of Peace we are all on a trajectory to self destruction. Our planet home is crying out for peace and healing the pain we create by our foolishness. We have a need to come together in a collective battle to heal the destruction on Earth and the damage we cause to one another and the one life support we have our Planet with its amazing ecosystems.
I have injecting my heart into this post but I strongly recommend you google the work and words of both Rev Issac and the Palestinian Ambassador for the full understanding of the situation in Palestine.
The symbol of the cross in the photo brings a meaning of crossing out the "I" be selfless and care for one another. Take care of self to be well and in harmony with the wider universal energy. Which is a difference to being selfish.. Selfish brings with it greed and a deluded power and control over others to satisfy that greed. The true power is in being selfless and egoless merge with the Universal Energy for the good of all creation and attain inner peace that will radiate to others to achieve true peace and harmony. I love the photo of the coming together holding hands with heart connection. A true soul to soul connection.
The symbol of the cross in the photo brings a meaning of crossing out the "I" be selfless and care for one another. Take care of self to be well and in harmony with the wider universal energy. Which is a difference to being selfish.. Selfish brings with it greed and a deluded power and control over others to satisfy that greed. The true power is in being selfless and egoless merge with the Universal Energy for the good of all creation and attain inner peace that will radiate to others to achieve true peace and harmony. I love the photo of the coming together holding hands with heart connection. A true soul to soul connection.