Wednesday, 28 June 2017


🙎BNBe powerpointing a mind web of all I am handling to get an handle on it all lol I need some serious funds to get this all sorted. I used to earn £35,000 - £40,000 pa and it is a bitter pill to be on £65 a MONTH with the odd memfits paid to me..yes memefits not benefits as My money paid in tax supposed to come back to me...!! but very rarely paid back to me!! I am enjoying my projects and challenges just need some funding a salary from somewhere.. Shout to the Universal energy and source of all... Shame all my book ideas and journal articles do not get accepted for publication.... but guess the time will come when the time is right... main thing LADY MARJORIE must keep trying... and will win somehow... (I hope!) Just thinking got my languages and courses to do too in all this..... I may need more than 24 hours in a day..…/petition-of-chang…