Saturday, 22 August 2020

Lovely Saturday morning shopping

Lovely Saturday morning shop on our local parade ...beautiful Gentian plant from Zoe Florist and some coop groceries plus yummy fresh Portuguese cakes from Paula's cafe ...weekend sorted .... had lovely chinwag (talk) with locals and one of my elderly friends called round to see me.... we both like knitting & embroidery. She was also telling me about her large Koi fish in her garden pond how in heatwave they were jumping out of the water ...when she took a water sample to local aquarium it was low on minerals & oxygen . So now that corrected they have stopped behaving like salmon jumping upstream and now all calm & contented
Reading up on the Gentian plant rather interesting
Gentian likes the spot with full sun to partial shade. The plant does have special requirements with regard to the soil. Moisture-retaining, somewhat poor soil is important, since that’s what the plant has in the mountains where it grows.