Monday, 24 August 2020

Speaker therapist impressing me Trauma Summit


I have been taking a scan journey through the Trauma Skills Summit webinars. Find out more and Register Here is one of the speakers that I felt connected with given I have been on a traumatic life journey too. 
Rob Fisher  on Day 3 His session in the summit covered 
1. Discovering the similarities between relationship trauma and PTSD... 
(this is something I have been trying to get our UK gov to recognise as we support DV survivors on their journey of healing.  see my Women's Voices to be heard blog The flashbacks listed in Rob's slide are not to be under estimated and can be triggered by drops in financial support that leave you vulnerable and remind you why you are in this point of time needing support!
2. Exploring the causes of relationship trauma, both developmentally and from shock.
3. Learning how to repair relationship ruptures that can lead to traumatic reactions. 
4. Preventing relationship trauma by understanding the tender places in your own relationships.

" Love is a temporary insanity cured by marriage!" my thoughts: ok this is a fun quote but a sad quote many of us enter marriage out of love and wish to be life partners. But for some it can backfire into a disaster!

Rob speaks of Relationship Shock Trauma and Relationship Attachment Trauma. 
Take a look at his website as I love the poem that is on the Bio Page   for Rob

If You Forget
If you forget how beautiful you are

I will remember....... (read on more through the link)