Monday, 24 August 2020

Voice shock

 Been busy all day but not used my voice till I left a voicemail for a dear friend then it came out all gobbledegook .. and was a shock to hear my voice after being quiet all day working through my keyboard... yea been marketing, been listening in to webinars and blogging and using messenger but not used my voice till that moment of voicemail.... in this lockdown spending most of the time alone at home.... been pottering in my garden and taking care of myself making meals... but not spoken out aloud... bizarre year all round...

Time to have a go at going out into London to see what it is like I think! We are getting confused messages to take care yet all being played down with a call for kids back to school as if the risk now is negligible but will it be neglectful to go back to normal mixing??? !!!
Found this lovely artwork on voice from a sweet artist website that makes art out of sound waves... Voice Art