Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Beautiful Day & Beautiful emails


Artist: Mig Wyeth
Today has been a beautiful day spent with my eldest daughter Debbie. We went to the local garden centre to start our shopping for bulbs, both of us keen gardeners. Debbie lost her job and wonderful team in the furlough and eventual collapse of the company she worked for.  But has had another job offer.  She has posted on Linkedin her proactive approach to put forward an assessment of needs of the new company needing a manager.  She has had nearly 2,000 likes and comments from total strangers to say thanks for sharing to give hope to others that have lost jobs due to the pandemic.. no fault of their own but the casualties of this crazy 2020 year.  So that was nice when she showed me the spike in her stats on likes.  We went for a coffee in the local cafe near my home and quite by chance met up with local councillors, one an ex Local Mayor.. They were well impressed with her news.  

But I am also sharing this Green Pebble link as I have been writing around to get some guidance and interest in Bushra's Artwork from my Family Link Up project.  I wrote to the Green Pebble I received a beautiful reply within a day to my email.  They appreciated Bushra's work and could feel her story and her need to heal.  The style was not one they could use in their product and artist range.. However, they have given me good direction and a valuable link to pursue, to see if I can get successful interest in her work.  I was very moved by the wording and the fact that they could see and feel the very essence of Bushra's work, heart and soul...