"The Positive practice reason for being "is to identify, and disseminate positive practice in mh services by working together across organisations and sectors, to facilitate shared learning, and to raise the profile of mental health with politicians and policy makers. We provide free mental health awareness training and support to Members of Parliament, as well as holding roundtables with them and our members to make sure they are as well informed as possible about mental health issues.We share practice in a variety of ways including through our special interest groups, our events, the national MH Awards, and via our virtual networks. We have also this year launched our national guide to mental health services, with examples from the moment of engagement with services, to discharge. This guide is particularly aimed at commissioners to make their life easier whilst commissioning mental health services. www.positivepracticemhdirectory.orgWe lobby and campaign to ensure that mental health is given a far greater priority and parity on the health agenda, by engaging with, and informing senior policy makers and politicians."
Thursday, 19 October 2017
Positive Practice Share
Parliament is a great place for sharing and meeting up with other groups who are lobbying or having committee meetings.... There is a lot that goes on the Jubilee cafe over tea and cakes as we sit near others and get chatting together. Yesterday was such a day as I caught glimpse of Tony Russel sat reading The National Positive Practice in Mental Health Awards... This got me intrigued and now am aware of all the collaborative work in mental health.