Saturday, 11 August 2018

Mindfulness to stop Dwelling

How to stop Dwelling: A simple practice to let go of Anxious thoughts
by Kimberly Diaz-Rossa
I found a good article in my Twitter feed from a friend that does Mindfulness Courses Koru Development I am getting more and more intrigued by Mindfulness so trying to learn more.  This article shared seems apt for me at this time as I do keep dwelling on past hurts and pains..... so I need to study this more to learn to prevent the waste of energy and pain that this brings me... 

"Change your thoughts and you change the world" 
a quote from Norman Vincent Peale

Here is the link to the article and some excerpts that have stood out for me. 
Stop Dwelling
~How we relate to our pain is what shapes the outcome
~We can either crumble under life’s pressures or embrace them and become more evolved versions of ourselves.
~Our true nature is who we are underneath our struggles and stories, and accessing that nature is the key to feeling at peace
~When you are ready, bring peace to your mind and body by saying, “I am deeply hurt and it is okay to feel the way that I do.” (Use comforting words to ease your distress about a specific situation).
~Some other thoughts that may bring you peace: “Even if other people judge me, I don’t have to judge myself.” “What other people say and do is about them, not me.”
Here is the link to the authors website for you to learn more. Kimberly Rosso - Life Coach