Friday 13 September 2024

Framing Effective Health Messages Brunel,

I attended a brilliant day conference at Brunel University on Tuesday looking at Framing Effective Health Messages on ageing. The day as per the programme introduction aim was:
" to bring older people, members of the Brunel Older Reference Group, together with experts in soical psychology, marketing, diet, exercise and the epidemiology of healthy ageing to examine ....(this is the crucial point) practice......" 
This was to ensure identification of the barriers to healthy lifestyles and develop a shared understanding of what is needed to benefit older people. 
I cannot of course discuss this day without reference to the latest political decision to withdraw Winter Fuel Allowance from the elderly. Though we must point out that this is to those over the threshold of Pension Credit, however not all over the threshold set are wealthy have savings or little savings to cope with the rising cost of heating homes. The warmth in our homes for winter cold is indeed necessary for the we  elderly. Our muscles and joints do not work as well when cold so we become a falls risk with added cost the NHS, many have health conditions that need warmth in winter eg hypothyrodism even in with thyroxine medication can make the suffer more at risk of cold weather and ambience. This is due to lowered metabolic rate. There are those  with respiratory problems that are more susceptible to cold weather. There are those that need medical equipment to support their medical conditions at home. 
Something I need to point out this constant political battering of we elderly from 1950s born women deprived of 6 years State Pension to bed blocking in the NHS, to policies such as this winter fuel debate, all can make us feel a nuisance and burden on society and the taxpayers.   Yet we have worked hard and contributed much to the nation and continue to pay tax by the very least on goods and services purchases. We also as the marketing input can prove how we have a market worthiness and we keep professional carers, product producers in business to cater for our living needs. Where would SAGA holidays be without we elders? What of our families needing our grandma and grandpa input to help with our grandchildren. What of being full of life experience and wisdom of our life pathway. What of our working and professional academic backgrounds that can enhance others and their studies and research to develop more understand of us all as human beings with mind, body and spiritual needs. So I have to highlight that I am so grateful of our local university for giving us a value, respecting all we have to offer. How, as I have said many times, how wonderful it feels to have young and old coming together to learn and share with one another.  
This day's study had speakers from the University of Brighton and University of Birmingham. So this too strengthening a network of researchers and supporters of ageing and trying to find ways to age well. scroll down for useful links:-