Friday 13 September 2024

Parliament & Downing Street

Had a very constructive afternoon in Parliament on Wednesday with a very good lobbying time with John McDonnell my MP. I had submitted on my lobbyslip a mini shopping list of issues I needed to update on with John. I had a top priority concern update on the safety of my MSF nurse in Gaza with his wife and baby. Help needed for my MSF Nurse . With this the need to stop the horrors there. 
I had of course domestically great concern over the Winter Fuel Allowance and the impact on those that will fall outside the parameter of the pension credit. John had that day also been supporting we 1950s born women that still are outstanding the Parliamentary ombudsmen compensation for lost 6 years State Pension. 
I also had some update on my Syrian refugees in Turkey. So lots to discuss. 

As always the parliamentary staff are so kind and caring of me. I have indeed spent much time in parliament over my recent years on various campaigns and need to get my voice heard for many in APPG meetings. So the rapport with the parliament staff is good and longstanding. This day though I was treated to a look at the Chapel  St Mary Undercroft  it was quite a wonderful experience. The decoration amazing. I was fascinated to find out that MPs can get married in this chapel and there is a beautiful font for christening babies.  
But the most intriguing experience for me with all my activist work was to see and be in the cupboard that Emily Davidson a Suffragette hid in on the census of that day. To claim her place and right to vote.  I have found this link to tell the story Emily Davidson - Cupboard Parliament
Before leaving the chapel I was given opportunity to have some prayer time my prayers for Shalom Salem Peace Om Shanti in the world and our maturity in this to work together in harmony on this one Planet Home we all Share. 

With this I went on to Downing Street to join our multi faith group in a demo to support Palestine and stop the madness. We are all in pain at what we are witnessing the sledgehammering of Gaza with no mercy and with more and more war crimes committed by the occupation forces. The West Bank also becoming more and more of concern with horrors against Palestinians and their homes there. This pain is being felt all over the globe. I caught a news report from Australia on demos there and a man interviewed breaking down in tears with the pain of what he is seeing. WE are reeling with the image of that huge crater from a massive bomb dropped on the tented area where displaced people were sleeping. The imagery hard to comprehend that there is nothing left of those people!  This warmongering is hurting us all. Scientifically is also contributing to the climate crisis. Each missile launched in the world be it Middle East Russia Sudan North Korea is indeed an attack on us all as the damage this is causing not only the target areas is affecting our Earth. How crazy we have become. We launch astronauts into space that can relay images of our beautiful planet. Yet on that planet such human madness is destroying this wonderful precious home we share. When we look from space to Earth there are no borders on the land. But our satellites can see before and after any crazy war tantrum on an area of this planet home. 
Please it really is time for us to have Leaders in the World that are MATURE in the Wisdom of Peace and living together in harmony with all our energy put into undoing our damage on this Earth. Intelligence used constructively not destructively. Instead of sledgehammer destruction of infrastructures, we need to build and modify infrastructures to cope with extreme weathers and learn and learn from our lockdown in the pandemic that if we behave... our Earth does have the ability to regenerate and restore heal and continue to support all life... 

Do not let deluded power ego with its greed and land grab and outright foolishness spoil our one an only planet home for our future generations. The way we are going without correcting our destructive trajectory will result in no future for life on Earth. 

Shalom Salem Peace Om Shanti