Saturday, 8 April 2017

London Demo Support

Today been in the London demo for Syria in response to the alarm of the chemical weapons..... you can read more on my World in a Turmoil blog.

But today been a day of networking too with some amazing people and police on duty...

I have now got more support for the issue of my sheltered home eviction....I have been asked to join an over 50 Labour Party group.... so that is good.  A couple of the police officers said they will link up with me to help me with the situation..... So thanks folks for listening and supporting.  

Also got some interest in the Family Link Up project too... many are seeing the huge potential of this project and its necessity....... 

Had to carry this placard and was in tears seeing the children killed ...felt as a mother, grandmother, midwife I had to hold these babies in my arms...... no child should have to lose their lives because adults are not adult to get round peace-tables.... and respect one another.    I have to keep going with all my activist work.... this is my life and if I can help to make a difference before my life ends out of biological logic as I get older... then I can R.I.P....We just need others to let their differences and their distorted regimes see how  to value life... and this amazing world we live in.... A wonderful planet in its full glory as new life blossoms in springtime.......was a lovely sunny hot day today in London... 

subnote: got letters today from the DWP they are reinstating financial support to supplement my meager  NHS pension..... but need to get some extra funds to sort out the chaos that has been caused by drop in support!!

Today in London saw women out and about doing their girlie shop and not had one of those for a long time.....not that I am into all that designer melarky.... but there times when a lady needs new knickers.......:-)  this by law we have to live off £73.10 a week makes it difficult even with Primark prices alongside everything else a lady needs........  and of course you have to pay your housing cap and council tax and electric and food.... making the impossible possible is tricky woo....!!