Monday, 17 April 2017

Shop together to help

Looking at all ways to help raise funds for my Family Link Up project I joined NYR organic as an independent consultant last year... you can earn by party plan, table top sales and online sales.  I have always loved NYR products and used to buy from their flagship shop in Covent garden when I was in practice as RN RM...... I would often recommend the comfry for my mothers for "certain area discomfort" following delivery.... My paedriatric nurse colleagues would recommend the Baby Balm and Barrier cream.  So with faith and a passion for the products I could see this would be a way to help to earn now in my retirement and for the Family Link Up Project
NYR commission to help? 
April 15th 2017 But sadly to date I  have not got any orders from NYR business plan.  I can't run around doing party plans so I am reliant on developing an online customer base.   If I could achieve a good loyal base then I can a) look after my valued customers with extra goodies and promotions,   b) I could get commission to help my Family Link Up project.  c) The business turnover would generate extra consultant products for me to put together as raffle baskets for fundraising. d) as the turnover swells I can then think of helping other charities with stock purchase for table top fundraising venues for a charity of your choice - where there can be shared donation. Plus put charity fundraising baskets together for other charities to raffle.
Boshra in the Eleonas camp 
- who is a business graduate -would love to help rebuild her life.
You can read more about the project and visits on my Family Link Up blog
There is actually a NYR shop in Athens so who knows with her language learning in Greek and English and when permitted to work she could get an opportunity with shop assistant work too... as the girls grow and get to school.
Basically I need some turn over of business activity and I can only do this with customers registering with me online.  NYR handles your order but notifies me of the order so I can send you extra gifts and promotions... all to swell your shopping basket with grateful thanks....  The products are amazingly good and are award winning.... you will enjoy them and feel and look good with their care.
Lets win together with great winner products to look and feel good 