I do not trust Donald Trump nor some of the people he has surround himself with. In my honest opinion Donald Trump says many things that are from a dark place of negativity and fear. (There really is a difference between attacking and stating one's views!)This is so important that the leader of a country does need to project out to the citizens the best to them for them to feel the best... safe and secure in
I do much better in life when I am surrounded by equality, honesty, justice, fairness, hope, faith and positivity. The President of one's country fairly or unfairly sets the tone for many things in a private citizen's life.
equality, honesty, fairness, hope, faith, positivity and with this the liberty to reach ones full potential in creativity and skills to benefit oneself and the community as a whole.. With this freedom to live life in peace and harmony.
A message for all world leaders - though one stands out already as a shining star in this and that is Justin Trudeau..... Perhaps it would have been better if there had been a younger more progressive, more in touch with citizens candidate in the US. With that a consideration for our future generations too by a commitment to help look after this amazing planet that sustains all our lives.